Jimmy Lai

Jimmy Lai is on trial in the once great city of Hong Kong.  It is not a real trial but more like a sham trial without a jury or defense attorney of Lai's choosing.  To many, perhaps even you, the name Jimmy Lai means nothing.  Should that be the case, it is not surprising since coverage of the trial is buried in the press if mentioned at all.  So let me fill you in on Jimmy Lai.  He made his  first fortune in the clothing business and then as publisher of the now closed Apple Daily newspaper.  A vocal critic of China, he became a target of the mainland government.  Jailed since 2020, he appeared this week at his trial looking to be in good spirits though quite thin.  You need to know that Jimmy Lai is a man of faith, a devout Christian.  He also has a deep conviction on the concept of freedom.  For these beliefs and convictions, he likely will spend the remaining years of his life in prison.  Influential people from all walks of life should be advocating for Jimmy Lai, but for the most part they are not.  Their silence is deafening.

So what to do?  How can regular people help Jimmy Lai?  Let me put it this way.  Many of you know that I have long admired and been influenced by the writings of the late Michael Novak.. In one of Novak's books, he talks to his daughter about the power of prayer, especially when legions of the faithful lift the name of someone in need.  I ask you to join me in invoking the name of Jimmy Lai when you have your private prayer time.  Thank you.

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